
By taking two disparate objects and overlapping them, what happens in the interstitial space?


The project is supported by six unique cores that exist in the overlaps of program.

Structure Diagram

The structure is based on North-South shear walls infilled with steel framing to allow passage and light.


Some of the cores had responsabilities of supplying water, air, and power to their programs.

Floor Plates

This project has three levels comprised of platforms with 30" offsets to allow programmatic mixing.

Roof Wrap

The roof skin wraps down the sides of the building.

Site Plan

An open ground plan provides a shady respite to pedestrians walking from campus to the light rail.

Longitudinal Section

Blue, Green, and Red Core

Transverse Section

Green, Elevator, and Yellow Core.

South East Approach

Pedestrians on College Avenue are welcomed into the ground floor.

South East Entrance

As you enter the building you can see every level and almost every program element.

Fab Lab

The Fab Lab ties the whole building together.